The pen is mightier than the sword.
Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Au Revoir, Noble Bulweriers!
It is with deep regrets that I announce the conclusion of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest. Being a year and a half older than Joseph Biden, I find the BLFC becoming increasingly burdensome and would like to put myself out to pasture while I still have some vim and vigor! ("OK boomer" says my daughter). Rest assured this spring we're going to publish a list of our favorites that have already been submitted for the 2025 contest. Please join our mailing list down below to get our notification email when we do so.
When I initiated the competition in 1983, inviting entrants to submit bad opening sentences to imaginary novels, I never dreamed that we would receive thousands of entrants from all over the U.S. and the globe, or that the contest would survive for over four decades.
I am especially grateful to our entrants for keeping the contest alive and to our Panel of Undistinguished Judges who dutifully selected each year’s “winners.” And, of course, I would like to thank my daughter EJ who has been indispensable the last few years of the contest. It’s been 42 good years but, alas, all good things must come to an end. We are, though, keeping the BLFC spirit alive by maintaining our archive for posterity so that generations and generations hence may witness your greatness!
-- Scott Rice
I too will miss this community immensely and we both hope all you "frequent recidivists" keep in touch (srice@pacbell.net & ejricewastaken@gmail.com). Lastly, any little bit you could spare towards helping us keep the archive going (a few bucks is great!) would be greatly appreciated (EJ's Venmo is @elizabeth-rice-12). Thank you so much for your joy and enthusiasm—the noble Bulweriers have made working on the contest a treasure!!
-- EJ Rice